Sunday 28 March 2010

Prague spring: Ten views (from a bike)

The weather in Prague was so beautiful on Friday that I took the afternoon off work and went for a bike ride. This time I set myself a specific goal - to photograph ten of my favourite panoramas of the city and post them here on the blog.

Prague - always photogenic - surpassed herself in the spring sunshine. Even with my meagre photographic abilities and facilities it wasn’t hard to take some decent shots. And it was a true joy to feel the warm sun on my back for the first time since last autumn.

So here are the results. These are all vistas I see regularly on my weekend spins around the city and they are all visible from or near to marked cycle paths. At the bottom of the post is a map indicating where each shot was taken. If I’ve whetted your appetite, why not take a look at the slideshow in the bottom left-hand corner of the blog?

1. Žižkov Tower from Parukářka

2. Žižkov district from Vítkov

3. City centre from Vítkov

4. Prague Castle from Svatopluk Čech Bridge 

5. Old Town from Letná

6. Bridges over the Vltava from Letná

7. Southern part of Prague from Strahov

8. Charles Bridge from Most Legií Bridge

9. Prague skyline from the railway bridge

10. Vyšehrad from the railway bridge

View Ten views of Prague in a larger map

Postscript: Just a couple of hours after I got home a thunderstorm swept in and the heavens opened. That was one well-timed ride.


Anonymous said...

may attempt this - even though i would be very much a tourist. thanks

Anonymous said...

maybe circumnavigating prague rather than CZ a better idea!!

Loving the Bike said...

Thanks for brining me into your world. It's great to see what a ride of yours is like and what you pass along the way. Great pictures....thanks for sharing them. Keep up the great posts.


Circuit Rider CZ said...

Thanks for the comments. It really was an enjoyable ride.

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